Friday, February 29, 2008

One step down, one step forward...

Yesterday's surgery went well. Dr. Koeplin removed the lump and the one sentinel lymph node. The lymph node contained only benign cells, so they didn't have to remove any more than just that one. That was the good news! Mike, my mom, sister, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law were all there during the surgery as a great support team. My sister, Sonja, stayed over night with me, which was extremely helpful. The spiritual support provided by all your prayers was, again, invaluable during this first scary step.

Mike brought Alec & Kevin to visit me last night as well. They were very happy to take turns snuggling beside me (on my right side!) in the hospital bed watching some TV. I think it was very reassuring to them that I was still just "Mom."

I was home by 10:00 this morning. One major step is done & overwith. Now I just keep stepping forward, one day at a time. I'm scheduled for a follow-up with the surgeon on Friday the 7th, and then the oncologist again on the 11th.

We are so thankful for your thoughts, prayers, cards, sincere offers to help our family, and notes of encouragement on this blog!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The first step...

The first physical step toward healing will be this Thursday, the 28th. I am scheduled for surgery at 10:00 @ Woodwinds. My sister, husband, and mother will be with me. The surgeon is going to keep me overnight for one night to allow for a better transition home.

The emotional and spiritual healing has been/is on-going with the many positive thoughts and prayers that are happening on behalf of me and my family. For this, I am so thankful.

I'm not sure how many days I will be off work for this first procedure, but I'll try to update here if possible.

We talked to the boys about this upcoming surgery for the first time tonight - no "C" word at this point. It was still very difficult and emotional, with many tears. I could see the fear in their eyes. We did our best to reassure them. We will tell them more details as the next treatment plans to in place.

Thanks to all who are praying! The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The journey begins...

Hello dear family and friends,

I've started this blog to hopefully keep everyone updated as to my health situation and specific prayer requests. This was a great recommendation from a fellow survivor (I fully intend to join those ranks!).


January 28th - annual exam, suspicious "fibrous" lump discovered

Februrary 1st - mammogram, showed nothing - the same as in September, ultrasound completed as well - radiologist still couldn't determine for sure

February 6th - core needle biopsy performed - should have results 48-72 hours

Feburary 12th - finally got the call (15 minutes before school conferences) with the not good news - Ductal Carcinoman In Situ - decent prognosis

February 20th - met Dr. Nicole Hartung, Oncologist, found out there was another, invasive ductal carcinoma as well - shocking news. She is very good...

February 21st - MRI to see if there were any other "missed" areas since the mammogram doesn't show anything

February 22nd - met with Dr. Michael Koeplin, surgeon. MRI results were as good as they could be, from what we started with. Plan to schedule a lumpectomy and lymp node excision (?) for next week...I am very comfortable with this surgeon - I just felt better after meeting with him - at least there is a plan. There will almost definitely be chemotherapy following the surgery, and there will absolutely be radiation after that (it's a package deal with the lumpectomy). It will be a long road.

So, here it is, Sunday evening, and I'm waiting for the surgery (my first ever) to be scheduled. As the title of this blog suggests, and as a wise friend sent in a note to me early on, every day that goes by is one day that I am closer to being healed. My two dear sons are motivation enough to press on & do whatever I need to do to facilitate that happening. And your prayers couldn't be more important and appreciated!