Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Take a Lap

Things are moving right along. This Thursday, the 5th, I have chemo #4 out of 6 at 10:15 (for you prayer warriors!). Please pray for good counts, so there will be no delay. Also, I had some "extra" delayed-onset side effects after the last treatment (including hives and tremendous itchiness), so please add that concern to your prayers, if you would.

Speaking of moving, I registered for the 2nd annual Cottage Grove Relay for Life which will be taking place on Friday-Saturday July 11-12th. http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?fr_id=7153&pg=entry I have signed up for the Survivor Lap. Their definition of a survivor is anyone that has ever heard the words "you have cancer." I spoke with the survivor chairperson last night, and she explained that after the opening ceremonies at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, the survivors all take the first lap (there are approximately 3o of us right now). Then, for the second lap, they ask all the caregivers to join the survivors for another one (or more) and then the teams all join in. So, I'm inviting anyone who has said a prayer, sent a card, brought a meal, helped with the kids, sent a positive thought, etc. to feel free to join me on a 2nd lap around the track. I feel you are all "my" caregivers and I so appreciate you and everything you do to make this journey easier for me! There is no need to register; she said the more the merrier, bring it on! This takes place at the CG Jr High, basically across the street from our home. Last year we looked across at dusk and were amazed at all the glowing luminaries circling the entire track. It is beautiful, but it also represents so many people that have been affected by this disease.

This morning during my daily devotions and bible reading, I was touched by the following sentiment: "God will bless us with light as we follow Christ; we can shine even in the rain." I feel so blessed to find His light even as I walk through this rain shower (some days, a downpour?).

And there is always Hope! One of my favorite verses, that helps keep that "attitude of gratitude" going is simply "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" 2Cor 9:15 He has offered us the free gift of salvation and eternal life through Christ. That is the foundation of my hope every day!


Linda said...

Hi Wendee,

Hopefully when you read this you will be feeling ok and not sick from round #4. We would love to walk with you if our crazy schedules allow. You are truly an amazing woman. You will weather this storm and find the rainbow. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Linda Shaver

Jo said...

Hi, Wendee. It's now almost a week out from your last posting, so hopefully you are feeling well. We will be on day 2 of our 3000 mile motorcycle trip the day of your walk, but will definitely send you good vibes and prayers!