Sunday, August 3, 2008

Final phase....

Just a quick update (do I ever actually do that - keep it quick?)...

I have my "dry run" radiation treatment tomorrow around noon. Then I start the real thing on Tuesday. As I mentioned previously, this course of treatment will run for 3 weeks and a day (Canadian protocol) with a 25% higher dose (vs the 6 week protocol). This radiation should seek and destroy any remaining microscopic cancer cells to help prevent recurrence.

The current plan is for me to work a half day, in the office, then go have my treatment and head home. Because the primary side effect is fatigue, I'll probably schedule an afternoon nap! Just writing about this brought on a hot flash! Funny how anything somewhat "stressful" brings on one of those little buggers! If all the components of the office part become too exhausting, I'll work those daily hours from home.

This last week was our annual family vacation. For a variety of reasons, we didn't make it to the Wisconsin Dells this year (sorry boys!). But, we did have a 3 day visit to the Duluth area at the Edgewater Waterpark Resort. We took in many sights including the Split Rock Lighthouse, the William A. Irvin retired cargo ship, the Vista Fleet harbor boat tour, Gooseberry Falls, and watched some HUGE barges come into the harbor. I'm talking 1004 feet long! Enormous! Overall, we had a good time. Ate at many nice restaurants - so nice not to cook and clean up! The boys liked the waterpark and the seagulls the best!

I will say that I was very surprised to find that my legs were not up for the Gooseberry Falls hiking (just walking, really)! Turned out I had far less energy than I thought, so "Mom" kind of slowed things down this time. I'm still dealing with quite a bit of neuropathy in my left foot, which doesn't help. I am hoping/praying that will resolve sooner than later. My hair is definitely starting to grow again, which is great news! :O)

One of my dear friends had a little gathering on Friday evening, and since all of my boys were at Cub Scout Camp this weekend, I was especially free to attend. It's such good medicine to just laugh and chat (and eat!)! I was, however, the BIG loser at Polish Poker! Oh well, someone had to fill that role!

I will close for now, with again, so much thankfulness for all of you! One more quick quote: "It's not how long you live that matters, but how you live." My goal is to live such that I will hear "Well done, good and faithful servant!" when I move onward and upward to my eventual heavenly home. There is so much to learn and experience - I thank so many of you for providing a great example of the kind of caring and compassion Jesus showed us! God bless!

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