Sunday, September 7, 2008

Onward and Upward...

Onward...yes, treatment is complete - the final radiation went smoothly on August 26th - and so now is the time to recover & regrow! What a milestone!! It was somewhat anticlimactic that day. I got the same few minutes of radiation and then got up and left. I was awarded an Angel Foundation mug and a "graduation" print-out, which was very thoughtful. The radiation team was great and always upbeat - I'm thankful for them.

I would say, however, that the effects of the treatments have not fully disappeared. I do have a minor, but persistent rash now, from the radiation (my really good cream with calendula ran out right after the last treatment). I also am dealing with continuing neuropathy in my feet and hands (from the chemo). This is causing me to lose sleep more than I'd like, lately. Waking up with numb fingers also makes it a challenge to turn off the alarm clock! The hot flashes are still a daily occurrence as well, which also contributes to the lack of sleep. So, on top of the fatigue brought on by the radiation, I'm just plain tired!

I will be working in the office part time again this week, with the intent of returning to full time next week. Because of the exhaustion, I'm falling behind on my exercise and other healing practices, so I'm still needing to figure out how to make those a permanent part of the daily schedule (without getting back on the 4:30 a.m. bandwagon immediately, or ever, hopefully!).

Upward...the hair on my head is now maybe 1/2 an inch long! I'm thinking there are a few more grays sneaking in there than previously. Well, hair is hair...I'll still take it! I'm using Nioxin shampoo which was recommended by the American Cancer Society and also a stylist friend. I'm encouraging it to GROW!

Alec and Kevin have completed their first week back at school - major family adjustment! They both have great teachers which are going to provide them with lots of fun and academic challenges this year. The first Scholastic book order form has even arrived (LOVE those!) and school pictures are this coming week already. Now if we can keep them from bonking their heads on something prior to the pictures and getting a black eye or bruised goose egg, we'll be in good shape.

I am continuing my yoga classes on Wednesday evenings, and have a goal of getting back to the fitness center at work for at least 30 minutes as "daily" as possible. Also, a friend just gifted me with a massage, so I have that to look forward to, as well! Haven't had much reading time or crocheting time or even sunning on the deck for 15 minutes time (starting to get a little chilly for that - my "winter wimpy" status is returning). I try to squeeze some of those things in while riding in the car.

My next appointment with my oncologist, Dr. Hartung, is September 25th. I won't meet with Dr. Bellairs, my radiation oncologist, again until November 4th. Following these "all clear" appointments, I'll start a 3-month routine of check-ups, then eventually 6 months, a year, etc. They will alternate mammograms with MRIs every 6 months. I believe I'll be meeting with the surgeon, Dr. Koeplin, again at some point as well. I'm feeling pretty confident that all the cancer is gone. There really won't be any scans or additional tests (beyond blood work) unless I have a symptom of some sort.

I must say I'm very thankful I didn't wait until my next scheduled mammogram to get this lump checked out! I'd be starting all this about now, and who knows how far things would have spread (recall it was typed as Stage 1 - Grade 3 - fastest growing) by this time. I've read lately in the paper how now the idea is to discourage self-exams, with reasoning that it causes unnecessary biopsies. I would have to disagree! Even if the results of a biopsy are negative, I think it is a necessary test, to restore a woman's peace of mind.

Because this whole episode is not quite complete, I will probably continue to write updates to this blog (plus, you've figured out by now that I enjoy writing). I sincerely cannot tell you all how grateful I am for your wonderful ongoing support and care. As I've said before, I've never felt so beat up and so cared for at the same time. From old friends to newer friends to relatives far and near to even strangers, the prayers have continued to flow up to our Heavenly Father with healing results. He is awesome and so adores every single one of us. It is amazing to consider that the Creator of the Universe "is especially fond of" each of us, as if we were the only person alive. I know this experience has caused me to want to walk closer with Him every day. It's not always easy, and I don't always "feel" like it, but I know in my head and my heart that it is the only way to not only survive, but thrive. My goal for the remainder of the year, and the remainder of my life, is to do just that - thrive! And use the talents and gifts that He has given me for His purposes. It's time to get started.....


Sue said...

Hi, Wendee,
I'm really glad you're going to keep updating your blog. You're a gifted writer and I always feel upbeat after reading one of your posts.
Take care -

Charlee Frederixon said...

Wendee! I love, love reading your updates - they are so inspirational and I can feel your energy in them!

Nioxin ROCKS! I used that shampoo/conditioner when I was trying to get my hair to grow past a certain point and it grew like crazy - my hair got really thick and super super healthy - you will be back with your full head of hair before you know it! :)

When is Jenny and your walk at Nakomis? Can you re-send that to me. I can't seem to find my email that you sent. . .

Hang in there, girl! You are almost done!!!

Love you

Unknown said...

Hello Wendee - This is Carol Lux and I just found your blog today! Yeah. You sound like you are staying positive through some very trying times. Bernie Siegel wrote books on the cancer patients he had that lived due to their very positive and upbeat attitude. Just so you know, I am a cosmetologist/salon owner so let me know what Nixion you use. I use it myself as it is very good for the scalp etc. You are so full of hope and love that it makes a person feel so good. God is certainly with you. My favorite picture and poem is Footprints in the sand. It is so true, he does carry us when we need it. Sounds like your family is doing well. That is so good. Look forward to seeing or talking to you soon. You and your family are in my prayers.
God Bless,
Carol Lux