Monday, April 28, 2008

Two down, four to go

As of last Thursday, I am 1/3 complete with the chemotherapy treatments. The treatment itself, again, went fine. I met with the nurse practitioner, Judy, this time. We reviewed my counts, etc., which were all good (white blood cell counts were actually high - as expected -because of the Nuelasta shot). She said the "bad news" was that I could have the treatment. No kidding! I wrestled through a tough weekend again. I think we managed a few of the side effects better than the first round, but I still was exhausted and "down" for the count. I'm certainly not 100% today, but gaining some ground.

I also visited A Fitting Place again, with Jenny and Sonja, this time, to remove the "chemo hair" following my rainy day chemo treatment. I was feeling very unprepared, except for the mountainous handfuls of long hair coming out of my head every moment, which helped me determine that I was making the right choice. It was honestly not nearly as traumatic as I expected. It's weird to get used to that sight in the mirror, however, of a closely shaved head (not as nice & fuzzy as the boys' because of bald patches!). Definitely tougher for the boys, especially Alec. He really doesn't want to see me without something on my head. Fortunately, I do happen to have more hair accessories of various kinds than ever before in my life, so I am fairly well prepared. "Normal" and "reality" just keep changing. I just need to keep up and make it the best it can be for me and them.

I had tickets to the Castings Crowns concert on Saturday night with friends, but just did not feel up to it (even just walking around in ~30 degree weather did not sound appealing). So I had to just praise God here at home, instead!

Today was a day of much needed rest. After visiting the chiropractor for my weekly adjustment and dropping the boys at school, I came home, did my 2-mile walk (exercise is medicine, too) with not as much energy as usual, but hey, cancer hates aerobics. I finished up a couple of books that I had previously started, which dealt a lot with "human moments" and learning to make the most of every minute of the fleeting time we have on this earth. This whole thing has been a huge wake-up call and I need to make sure I don't slip back over to the "just endure and walk the treadmill" track again.

I've also been listening to some CDs that offer powerful healing & restorative action. Some are selections gathered for positive reinforcement (thanks, Linda!), and others are relaxing, healing, or guided imagery and affirmation. Music has always ministered to my soul, and this challenging time is no exception. I've even been playing Alec's "We're Off to See the Wizard" piano music when I get a chance - his 3rd grade performance of "Oz" will be May 22nd. Very fun and exciting!

I hope that each of you knows what a tremendous blessing you are in my life. I apologize if I have not made sure you know what you mean to me and my family. We had much greatly appreciated help this weekend from friends and family and we are very thankful for everything. And tonight, Mike's cousin's family took the boys for supper and on to Alec's baseball practice (Mike still has EMT classes every Monday & Thursday evening). It gives me time to rest and re-energize, which are both crucial for quick and complete recovery. I thank God for each of you and for your generous and caring hearts.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Right on schedule

It's been awhile since I here's the current scoop.

I went to work for 2 half days last Monday & Tuesday (14th & 15th). I was fairly surprised to find this just wiped me out! I have since been approved to work from home (up to 4 hours daily, per Dr. Hartung, probably 3 days a week or so). I purchased a Wireless Router yesterday & just need to get that set up today & I should be ready to roll. Working from home will be really nice, particularly to avoid "extra" germs while I have a suppressed immune system, not to mention conserving the energy required just to get "ready" in the morning & drive in. Need to keep those blood counts up & the chemo treatments on schedule. Let's keep the end in sight!

I wound up at the oncologist's office last Monday after work for a very "itchy" hand (near the site where the chemo IV was). Now I have steroid cream to apply there, and it is much improved. Again, if this got out of hand, it could delay the chemo. So many interesting side effects....

I also had an eye exam Friday, partially to explain this other side effect. Just once, I saw a "halo" light in both eyes that actually distorted the magazine (healthy recipes!) I was reading. The explanation was similar to a migraine (I've never had one). The eye doctor said that some people see the halo but don't get the headache. He said he was not surprised that I'd have this resulting from the chemo drugs. He said I did the right thing by just sitting & closing my eyes for 20-30 minutes. Otherwise, my vision had not changed. I was due for some glasses, though, so ordered up some more "stylish" ones. I made sure the woman assisting me knew I wanted to look "good" even without hair and eyebrows! Everyone there (Mead Optometry) was very helpful.

The most disturbing thing right now is that my hair is falling out hand over fist. It is right on schedule, 2-1/2 weeks after the first treatment. I knew this would bother me, and it really does! It bothers Alec a lot, too. I'm going Thursday after chemo, with my sister, to have the remaining "chemo hair" removed and the wig styled. I showed my boys the wigs last night, and even tried one on for them. They decided I didn't look like me and "where are your curls?"! Alec thought I looked like Nancy Drew! So, I think I will be getting one more - a curlier one so it won't be as "shocking" to them every time they look at me. There are many websites with good hair pieces, at significantly lesser prices ( for example).

I did meet friends for lunch last Thursday and Friday which was really nice. Heard about some skin care ingredients that are not so great, so spent probably 8 hours on-line researching some of that. I think I'm driving myself crazy with that, since there are virtually no products that don't contain at least something questionable. I'll need bifocals just to read the tiny but massive lists of ingredients on every product! However, the database "rating" many of these has "data gaps" of up to 90%+ in some cases, so they aren't sure either!

I'm scheduled for chemo this Thursday the 24th @ 10:45. My sister again will accompany me and we'll find a good light movie to watch. My friend, Coreen, has agreed to pick up some lunch for us & deliver it! We're thinking that new Noodles linguine with asparagus - maybe double the asparagus! Healthy & delicious greens! So, please pray that my counts will be good and that I won't be delayed.

Oh, we had the pleasant surprise of a phone call on Saturday evening from my cousin, Diane, from Cedar Falls. She & her family were in Woodbury for their son's soccer tourney and had some time on Sunday. We met them at our church and enjoyed a short visit before & after the service. Very nice!

I want to continue to thank all of you for your on-going prayers and support of our family. You are showing the love of God every day in your actions and we are so grateful. We are also praying for several (too many) others that are fighting this cancer battle. One of my dear friends had surgery yesterday. One other friend lost his battle last week, and his family needs lots of prayers and support as well. We pray for God's continued comfort and peace and strength for all of these, His children.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

One week later

It's been a busy time since my 1st treatment. Turns out that days 3 & 4 are really pretty much the pits even though day 1 went very well. I haven't felt that lousy in a long time, maybe ever. I've determined a few things I'll change (such as not worrying about eating "healthy" for a couple days & eating "bland/comfort" instead) the next round. Today is easily my "best" day since the chemo.

However, besides they things I couldn't do, things I could & did do include:
* Saved up my energy & managed to attend Triple Espresso with my family on Sunday afternoon - I'm sure the laughter promoted good healing endorphins
* Dropped my boys at school daily - takes more effort than I thought some days!
* Attended the Look Good Feel Better class on Tuesday morning with my sister. It's amazing how positive all these women are, no matter the circumstances they are facing (head on!)
* Went to the dentist Wed. morning - just a cleaning, but my mouth is still not quite back to normal (whatever that is). Tip for dry-mouths - Biotene toothpaste - I had never heard of it
* This morning I went to the Wig Room at the American Cancer Society in Mendota Heights to choose a free wig and several handmade scarves/hats. This is a great program - if you know anyone that needs one, just call & schedule a one-on-one appointment.

My family and I are very appreciative of all of your support. For example, today a large (3 feet?) stuffed smiling daisy was delivered by UPS (thanks Westergren's!). It makes me smile just to look at it. :O) And two friends visited with a Subway lunch & balloons. There is so much to be thankful for every day! When I think of all of you I remember "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" You give us so many reasons to rejoice no matter the circumstances. God bless! And enjoy the snow (NOT)!

Friday, April 4, 2008

One down, 5 to go...

One round of chemotherapy down, 5 to go. My sister, Sonja, came with me for the first treatment yesterday at 8:20 a.m. and helped me get all my "stuff" arranged. It's invaluable to have a second set of ears for all the instructions. The treatment itself went without incident. They pumped in two bags of nausea drugs and then the two chemo drugs, one after the other, and then a shot of Neulasta to boost my white blood cell production. The nurses were very nice. All of the patients seemed pretty upbeat. It's amazing & concerning how many people are undergoing treatment for cancer - just at this one location.

We hooked up the portable DVD player and watched most of "The Princess Bride" during the infusion. It's good to have something light that includes a little laughter during this stressful time. That's one of my favorite "classic" movies. I also had a couple of fruity "Popsicles" to help prevent any mouth sores that might think about developing. The nurse, Celia, said I wasn't getting that particular drug, but I figure prevention is still a good idea! We then had to run to Target and pick up some additional Rx's, etc.

My long-time friend, Jane, and her kids came over to help me out last evening while Mike was taking a test for his EMT class. It was good to chat and relax a little. I was definitely ready for bed by about 8:00 though.

I did my 2-mile indoor walk this morning and am sort of waiting to see what side effects hit when. All the suggestions are to "get ahead" of them and take care of them ASAP to reduce the impact. They are saying I will experience the hair loss before my next treatment in 3 weeks. I'm really not looking forward to that one.

My mom and stepdad are coming up today to help out. Also, we are all, kids included, going to a Triple Espresso matinee on Sunday (I'm praying I feel good!). That is the best laughter medicine ever.

I think one major reason the actual treatment went so well yesterday was the wonderful prayer coverage I had. I thank every one of you who lifted your prayers to God during that time. Even my blood pressure was very good, so it was helping my stress level as well. I am so very thankful for the amazing outpouring of support for me and my family! I wish you all a restful and peaceful weekend. God bless you!