Thursday, April 10, 2008

One week later

It's been a busy time since my 1st treatment. Turns out that days 3 & 4 are really pretty much the pits even though day 1 went very well. I haven't felt that lousy in a long time, maybe ever. I've determined a few things I'll change (such as not worrying about eating "healthy" for a couple days & eating "bland/comfort" instead) the next round. Today is easily my "best" day since the chemo.

However, besides they things I couldn't do, things I could & did do include:
* Saved up my energy & managed to attend Triple Espresso with my family on Sunday afternoon - I'm sure the laughter promoted good healing endorphins
* Dropped my boys at school daily - takes more effort than I thought some days!
* Attended the Look Good Feel Better class on Tuesday morning with my sister. It's amazing how positive all these women are, no matter the circumstances they are facing (head on!)
* Went to the dentist Wed. morning - just a cleaning, but my mouth is still not quite back to normal (whatever that is). Tip for dry-mouths - Biotene toothpaste - I had never heard of it
* This morning I went to the Wig Room at the American Cancer Society in Mendota Heights to choose a free wig and several handmade scarves/hats. This is a great program - if you know anyone that needs one, just call & schedule a one-on-one appointment.

My family and I are very appreciative of all of your support. For example, today a large (3 feet?) stuffed smiling daisy was delivered by UPS (thanks Westergren's!). It makes me smile just to look at it. :O) And two friends visited with a Subway lunch & balloons. There is so much to be thankful for every day! When I think of all of you I remember "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" You give us so many reasons to rejoice no matter the circumstances. God bless! And enjoy the snow (NOT)!

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