Friday, April 4, 2008

One down, 5 to go...

One round of chemotherapy down, 5 to go. My sister, Sonja, came with me for the first treatment yesterday at 8:20 a.m. and helped me get all my "stuff" arranged. It's invaluable to have a second set of ears for all the instructions. The treatment itself went without incident. They pumped in two bags of nausea drugs and then the two chemo drugs, one after the other, and then a shot of Neulasta to boost my white blood cell production. The nurses were very nice. All of the patients seemed pretty upbeat. It's amazing & concerning how many people are undergoing treatment for cancer - just at this one location.

We hooked up the portable DVD player and watched most of "The Princess Bride" during the infusion. It's good to have something light that includes a little laughter during this stressful time. That's one of my favorite "classic" movies. I also had a couple of fruity "Popsicles" to help prevent any mouth sores that might think about developing. The nurse, Celia, said I wasn't getting that particular drug, but I figure prevention is still a good idea! We then had to run to Target and pick up some additional Rx's, etc.

My long-time friend, Jane, and her kids came over to help me out last evening while Mike was taking a test for his EMT class. It was good to chat and relax a little. I was definitely ready for bed by about 8:00 though.

I did my 2-mile indoor walk this morning and am sort of waiting to see what side effects hit when. All the suggestions are to "get ahead" of them and take care of them ASAP to reduce the impact. They are saying I will experience the hair loss before my next treatment in 3 weeks. I'm really not looking forward to that one.

My mom and stepdad are coming up today to help out. Also, we are all, kids included, going to a Triple Espresso matinee on Sunday (I'm praying I feel good!). That is the best laughter medicine ever.

I think one major reason the actual treatment went so well yesterday was the wonderful prayer coverage I had. I thank every one of you who lifted your prayers to God during that time. Even my blood pressure was very good, so it was helping my stress level as well. I am so very thankful for the amazing outpouring of support for me and my family! I wish you all a restful and peaceful weekend. God bless you!


Cindy Martin said...

Hi Wendee -

I'm so proud of your wisdom and your attitude - you rock! You are taking this nasty "bull by the horns" and showing him whose BOSS! I'm so glad to hear that Thursday's treatment went well. I'm praying for you every step of the way! Since you have so many family members at your house today, I will hold of calling until Monday. Please let me know if you need anything - I'm only minutes away!

Love ya,

Sue said...

Dear Wendee,
Thanks for the posts on your progress. We'll keep praying.

Jenn said...

Hi Wendee,
Continue to stay strong. You have such a good attitude. You have all my prayers and support.


Terrie said...


I'm so glad to hear that your first Chemo treatment went well and that you're able to maintain such a positive attitude. I'll keep you in my prayers and wanted to let you know that the I&TB Pricing Team is thinking about you :-)
