Thursday, March 6, 2008

And then a step back....

Today I am a week post (first) surgery and things are starting to heal and are becoming a little less sore. You may have noticed I said "first" surgery. Unfortunately, I got a call this afternoon from Dr. Koeplin, the surgeon, telling me that the pathology report shows that there is still an area with "positive" margins that will require additional surgery. My appointment with him was hence rescheduled for next Wednesday (12th) following my appointment with Dr. Hartung, oncologist, on Tuesday. They will determine the extent of the surgery required - an additional excision, or a mastectomy. The good news is that even after more "sophisticated" tests, the lymph nodes remain negative. He recommended that I remain off work until after these next appointments.

I also went in for an extra (modified) adjustment from my chiropractor this morning (keep the immune system working at its maximum) and got a nutritional "lesson" as well, which will be helpful in maintaining the best health possible during treatment and recovery. A few take aways include that broccoli is a big winner, along with other dark greens, water is the beverage of choice, and there are also a fair number of things to avoid when possible (sugar, etc.).

As someone wisely mentioned to me, I'm on a very steep learning curve right now, so I'm trying learn and understand what I need to know without getting information overload. One thing that every new piece of information does seem to contain is that a positive mental/emotional attitude is perhaps more essential than any other physical factor. That is one area that I am "feeding" as much as possible with inspirational books and music while I'm at home. The knowledge of every one's positive thoughts and prayers is a huge boost as well. I can't tell you how much you are appreciated and constantly touching my heart. Know that you are contributing to my positive attitude and therefore my healing.

Thank you so much for continuing to pray.


Lynn said...

Our dear Wendee girl -- This is a sideways step. You can do this!!!! (After all, you mastered our S&D process!)

We miss you terribly and are praying for your strength and courage. We are also praying that I will continue to be nice to Stefano.

Dee Bentley said...

Wendee - - keep that positive attitude. I had an ultrasound at Woodwinds today and the female who performed the ultrasound remembers you and your "very" positive attitude. Keep the faith and you are not alone in your journey. Angel prayers going your way. Dee

Anita said...

Hi Wendee, Anita shared your report with me. I can tell you from experience, a positive attitude is definitely a major part of the battle. It's not always easy, but it helps recovery time. You, Mike, and the boys are in our thoughts and prayers.
Tami Haught

Sue said...

Hi, Wendee,
I've been thinking about you alot since I heard from Lynn about your second surgery. It's so good to read what you're doing to stay positive and to know about all the prayers being said for you and your family.
We will continue to pray for your strength and healing.