Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Onward....and still waiting.....

So, I have some new information today, but "everything" is still not quite clarified.

Yesterday, I met with Dr. Hartung to discuss the additional surgery, and she felt it was reasonable to go forward with an additional excision, with the knowledge that if there are any more positive margins, it would then be a mastectomy. She realized the pathology report was missing some important information regarding Estrogen/Progesterone/Her-Neu positive or negative. She'll be calling me after speaking with the pathologist. These are necessary for determining the type and course of chemotherapy. With all else that was determined, this cancer is considered early stage 2, aka stage 2A, primarily because of the size.

We also talked about the options for chemo, including a possible clinical trial. I'd have a 50/50 chance of getting either of the two treatments - one that would have a side effect profile ~5% worse than the standard treatment, and one that would be ~5% better than standard. I'll have to study the paperwork they send me and make a decision. However, can't make that decision without the missing information from above.... Chemo will start about 2 weeks following the final surgery.

Side effects will include, of course, hair loss. She gave me the name of a place in Hastings, "A Fitting Place," which is a full service place for wigs, etc. I'm still looking at others, too. She looked at me and said, "It will take a long time to grow back hair like that." Then she looked at Mike and said, "It would take 3-4 months to grow hair like that." Hmmm....his style is not my style!

Also had blood work and a chest X-ray to establish a baseline.

I scheduled an appointment with their nutritionist for this Friday to ensure I'm eating the best possible things to maintain the greatest health. Low Glycemic Index foods are my friends! Maybe not always to the taste buds, but at least to the healthy cells in my body. Organic is also becoming "standard" around here.

This morning I met with Dr. Koeplin. He is very confidant we can get that remaining positive margin removed with an additional excision and that this can be an outpatient procedure, which will go over well with my sons - they did NOT like that I was in the hospital overnight. He said it looked like my other incisions were healing just fine (okay, how about not using deodorant under one arm - you are all glad I haven't been in to work! Sorry if that was TMI!). I always feel better after meeting with him.

The scheduler will hopefully call this afternoon to schedule the surgery for next week. I'd like it ASAP! I imagine I'll need a pre-op physical again. This is seriously a full time job, trying to get a handle on all this.

I did read a wonderful book "There's No Place Like Hope: A Guide to Fighting Cancer in Mind-Sized Bites" ( is also my friend!) It was very encouraging and made me feel I'm not "crazy" for having certain fears or questions or feelings. I did so much "cancer" yesterday, however, that I didn't sleep too well, so I'm going to try and do some "Wendee the person" things today instead.

Again, I can't say enough how I appreciate the positive thoughts, good wishes, prayers, cards, gifts, and offers of help you are sending our way! The support is amazing and humbling. I truly believe I'll be a changed person, in many ways, when this journey is complete. God does keep placing the right people/books/information, etc. in my path right when I need them. For this I am so grateful.


Jill S. said...

Hi Wendee, I'm so sorry to hear that you'll have more surgery. I'm thinking of you every day. Stay strong, and let me know what I can do to help (besides pray!) Love, Jill Swenson

Charlee Frederixon said...

Ms. Wendee...
Your strength and courage is an inspiration. Hang in there, cutes. Please let me know if I can be of help in any way...I am praying for you and thinking of you every step of the way. These are not fun steps - I am so sorry you have to undergo another surgery, but better to get all that taken care of and out of your system to ensure you are one healthy Momma afterwards. :) Big, big, big hugs!!
Love you